The Confluence

At the confluence of the Paria and Colorado Rivers near Lee's Ferry in the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

You are looking at the confluence of the Colorado and Paria Rivers near Lee’s Ferry in the Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. The muddy water in the foreground is the Paria, while the dark green water in the background is the Colorado River. The Colorado River is stripped of its red color because it is leaving Lake Powell via the Glen Canyon Dam 15 miles upstream after the sediment has had the chance to settle. Last October 22nd, Caroline and I sat in the dory called the Sam McGee, rowed by Jeffe Aronson, and went over these very waters. I can tell you that it’s way cooler being out on the river than standing here on the shore, knowing you will have to drive away.

Yesterday, I came up to Fredonia, AZ, to deliver a proofreader copy of my book; today finds me at Lee’s Ferry to watch the crew set up. You might see in the background just to the left of the big cliff structure behind the river, a white spot that is the truck that brought all the gear and food. In a couple of hours, Bruce and his group would push off from that shore for another great journey down the Colorado. Me? I was going home after I shot this panorama.

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