Deeper Technical Stuff

PCB closeup of the Ultra Random Analog

Like Terence McKenna once said, “The further you go the bigger it gets.” If you begin your own exploration of the world of modular synthesis you will learn that you have likely bitten off more than you want to chew. Case in point, tuning, and calibration. After upgrading firmware there is often a requirement that the module must be re-calibrated. This is typically done by sending a 1 volt and a 3 volt signal to the device that signifies particular notes such as C2 and C4.

On the other hand, there is my Ultra Random Analog (URA) from Steady State Fate which is a random voltage generator. While following a tutorial for it I just couldn’t get the same effect out of it in the same way, as what was being shown in the video. At the time it would have been easily explained that I simply wasn’t understanding much of what I was trying to learn. Over on Muffwiggler, I found a conversation about other units that weren’t calibrated correctly and it read like this was exactly my problem. I did the best I could but was very uncertain about what I was doing.

Fast forward some months and now armed with a better bit of knowledge I can tell that my URA is still not calibrated correctly. I first need to remove the module from the rig but leave it plugged in as it will need power to it in order for me to make the required adjustments. To do this I’m lucky enough to have an oscilloscope from Mordax called the DATA, it’s a great Eurorack module everyone should own. There are three things that require calibration on the URA a clock that sets a gating frequency and two noise sources that should fall between particular voltage levels. The clock for the gate is calibrated by listening and choosing a timing that works best for the owner of the module. The other two calibrations are a bit more involved.

This is where the oscilloscope comes in. I have to send a particular signal out of the URA into the oscilloscope that is set to sample the incoming signal at 10ms and measure the voltage from +10 volt to -10 volt. From the first output, I need to adjust the left pot (the little round things) you see above on the sides of the chip. I have to be careful to not turn too far as these are fragile and easily damaged. I’m looking to set them so they are producing brief peaks of +10V and -10V on the oscilloscope. When I’m done with the first pot I move the cable to the other jack and start measuring its signal. Somehow I missed this part of calibration on the first pass those months ago, as the second channel is off by a mile. By the way, while the miniature screwdriver is touching the pot the signal is being skewed so you make a small adjustment and remove the screwdriver to get a clean measure and then go back to it again until you get the range tuned in.

Fortunately, this isn’t a common thing that has to be done on many modules, but having the tools and determination to get it done lets me know a little bit more about this complex hobby that has me feeling like a mad scientist from time to time. I think the writing is on the wall that somewhere in the not-too-distant future I’ll be soldering my own synths so when a module needs a simple repair I’ll have the confidence to do that too.

Cold Rig

The Cold Eurorack Monster Rig

No blinky lights, no patch cables, no electricity. The rig is cold. An emergency at our office required me to forego Sunday morning playtime; then, about an hour after getting to the office, the electricity went out for a large part of our neighborhood. As I’ve pointed out in a previous post, this is an ADDAC Monster case with 10A of power on both the +12V and -12V rails. The case is 197hp/21U and full, while I have another 783hp of cases that are slowly being filled up too. After seeing Colin Benders’ new rig he’s having built by Jan Willem Hagenbeek of Ginko Synthese, I’m getting itchy fingers to discover the ergonomics he’s about to explore!

First Lesson With The ER-101

Orthogonal Devices ER-101

It started with the ER-301 Sound Computer/Sampler on the way to dinner last year. I’d read about it and how Brian from Orthogonal Devices is known for incredibly well-thought-out modules. When I got my ER-301 a month later with no manual and one rapid-fire demo video from the creator himself, it was nearly incomprehensible. What was clear was the craftsmanship and attention to detail. Becoming more and more familiar with my modules, I knew that I’d want another sequencer or two or three to help round out my rig. The problem was that the ER-101 Sequencer from Orthogonal had been sold out for months.

Then, just a few weeks ago, somebody on Muffwiggler posted he was eager to sell his ER-101/102 combo for an incredible price; I snatched them up right away. It’s now two weeks since I received them in excellent shape; I updated the firmware and waited for a moment to either find a great tutorial or finally give in and read the combined 64 pages of documentation. A familiar name showed up: “Daisuk” he shared the following video a few years ago, and it was super helpful: 

So, after a very busy day testing various levels in my company’s VR product titled Hypatia, which we released to some lucky people yesterday who are getting a sneak peek before we put it up for sale next week, I almost reluctantly got to it so I could do my best in keeping up with the “Patch Of The Day!” Tonight’s entry features my first-ever work with the ER-101, sending a gate signal to the Mutable Instruments Elements, a control voltage feeding the 1V/Oct jack, and then another five CVs modulating various parameters on the Elements.

Morning Exercise

Orgone Accumulator

I can sense I’m on the verge of losing some of the naivety that has kept modular synthesis a mystery to me. There has been many a moment of absolute frustration that the language of control voltages and audio signals is something that has come to us from a parallel universe inhabited by a higher order of beings that are steeped in complexity.

There are mixed emotions that come with knowledge, even if it is yet a weak bit of knowing that you can identify that you are on the tip of the iceberg. It’s the place in the journey you start to understand that if you keep on the path, you just might arrive at that point off in the distance. The previously impossible is becoming a possibility.

I’ve tried committing to creating some small patches as morning exercises so that I can start my day making new connections. I’d almost given up on that idea today, as I was running out of time before I had to leave for the office.

With just minutes to spare and the wife pressing me to finish getting ready, I powered on the rig and grabbed a few patch cables. Which voice to start with? It’s got to be quick. Ah, I haven’t touched the Orgone Accumulator in a minute.

The first step was patching this oscillator to the Levit8 mixer and then get the signal moving. I’ve been relying on the Eloquencer a lot lately, so I opted to patch into the CV out of the Varigate 8+. The pitch is now jumping around through the 1V/Oct jack. What next? Out of the Tides, I send the Unipolar signal into the Orgone Accumulator quickly, followed by signals from the Batumi and Mini Slew. I have an interesting sound going, so I take the patch cable from the Levit8 and jam it into the Three Sisters filter, but I know I can spice this up, too. Out of the Spectrum oscillator, I go for the saw out and patch it into the FM jack on the Three sisters. One last step by plugging the Sloth into the 1V/Oct jack of the Spectrum so I add a little more movement to the FM signal.

The patch is done; got to go. Then I have the realization on my way out the door I understood enough to build this still primitive audio fragment in less than five minutes. It’s not great; it’s not even good, but mere months ago, I could hardly get a signal out of even the most basic module. Naivety is being muscled out of the way by the developing strength of constant exercise.

Signal Routing

Expert Sleepers Modules

Audio routing is no easy task; as a matter of fact, this is one of the most frustrating parts of learning how to work with audio hardware and software. So, instead of working up a patch, I’ve just spent far too much of my night aggregating various sound interfaces together. The objective was to get the Expert Sleepers ES-8 audio out of the module without having to go mono out using one of the jack ports but to have stereo out handled by the USB. Good luck finding documentation on this. Piecing things together, I knew that ASIO4ALL might be able to play a role; I’m on Windows 1o and understand this is easier on a Mac. So what I now have set up is 10 CV/Audio inputs and 16 CV/Audio outputs shared between the ES-6, ES-8, and ES-3. The FH-1 on the right is the interface from my Roli Seaboard Rise into the modular rig; I’m still lacking confidence in how this works, too. Finally, I have the ins and outs mapped within Bitwig, but it is not elegant and requires a bit of hunting for which ports were which among over 34 aggregate in ports and 30 out ports. Next up, I need to figure out how to get a nice clean signal out of my final mix and into my camera so I can record audio of an appropriate quality, befitting the setup and investment in this system.

I do currently have a problem with this setup. In Bitwig, when monitoring or recording audio I’m getting noise in short bursts from time to time. It might not happen for minutes, and then there’s a short two or three-second burst. Reading about aggregating devices, it seems it could be a buffer issue where the weakest audio interface in the chain is the culprit. So, maybe I have to revert to a different configuration. Sometimes, you feel incredibly helpless trying to figure out a setup that might be unique in all the world to you.

Finger Piano Meets Eurorack Synthesizer

Finger Piano and Contact Mic Connected to a Eurorack Modular Synthesizer

No audio file or patch here – yet. This morning I connected my Leafcutter John contact mic to a finger piano and fed that into the Mutable Instruments Ears module so I could record a short sample into the Orthogonal Devices ER-301 Sound Computer. After loading the sample into the Granular playback unit of the ER-301 I was able to stutter and pitch shift the sample. I ran out of time before I could get to the next exercise of using the finger piano fed into the envelope follower of Ears to modulate the playback of the sample, so tonight I’ll make an audio clip and post a new “Patch Of The Day” as opposed to this “Photo Of The Day.”

Patch Of The Day – A New Project

Mangrove Doodle

Today, I am embarking on a new year-long project to post a daily “Patch Of The Day.” A little more than a year ago, I revived a 35-year dormant interest in playing with synthesizers. I’d been exploring making music with Bitwig for nearly a year when a 2016 trip to Moogfest in Durham, North Carolina, reignited my curiosity about twisting knobs again.

Today, I have a Monster rig with more than 1,500hp of Eurorack synthesizer equipment, and as anyone can tell you, I have a learning curve ahead of me that can only be seen as extraordinarily monumental – emphasis on mental.

The idea here is to post audio and/or video snippets of patches I explore on a day-to-day basis as frequently as being in town allows. Then after a year of bumbling through this, I hope to be able to look back to this day and see an improvement on what I’m able to create. I’m well aware that what will be presented here for some time to come will be devoid of musical quality. This is an experiment of me trying to force a creative process that no matter how poor the quality, I’ll share the results in order to document how a 54-year-old man with no musical training or experience explores a complex process found in modular synthesis.

This is patch #1. To create it, I installed two new Mannequins Mangrove formant oscillators that just arrived today. I’m only using one of the Mangroves here, and it’s being modulated by Just Friends also from Mannequins, Tides from Mutable Instruments, and a Mini Slew from WMD. In addition, there is some sound mixed in from a Skorn da Bask from TouellSkouarn being modulated by the Tides, Just Friends, and a Lightstrip from Soundmachines.