
Daniel Billotte out for lunch, but not quite so out for lunch as had happened some years ago

Had lunch with Daniel Billotte today. Not the lunch we had planned, the Pho joint wasn’t open so we scrambled to find something nearby. We ended up at a small urban bistro. The story here is that Daniel and I from time to time make an effort to stay in contact. He and I met some 15 years ago while working at the Marion Foundation. During the intervening years, Daniel has often gone nomad finding himself living in New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji for close to half a year, working at an apple orchard to support his scuba adventures on the Great Barrier Reef. For a time he lived in Santa Cruz where I was never sure if he was a programmer, a graphic designer, or a surfer. A year or more goes by and I get an email from the guy, he’s in India, still haven’t found out the specifics about that trip. Then about a year ago, he announces that he’s getting married in Sedona, Arizona. I’m not big on weddings, no matter how good a friend someone is, so I cannot offer details about that event either. Today we got together to talk about travels, discuss some technology threads, touch on politics, evolution, taxes, and just shoot the poop.

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