Goodbye Boomers

Anybody who might be wondering why America seems to be taking such a passive approach to dealing with COVID-19 need not look further than simple economics.

We know that this flavor of coronavirus is especially dangerous for the elderly and those suffering from chronic illness. We also know that people with chronic illnesses are an especially huge drain on medical resources. Combine those facts with the idea that Millennials and Generation Z are barely holding their own, and you have a recipe to fix a lot of problems with one easy exercise of neglect.

Don’t deal with the pandemic, and the pandemic will likely deliver just what the system needs. I’ll explain. If this virus has its sights set on the old and the Boomers are sitting on 56% of the nation’s wealth, representing about $36 trillion in assets, by accelerating their demise, that money will move out of fixed assets, becoming liquid and allowing the younger generations to not only pay off their student loans but to have money for consumption that they’ve never experienced – thus propelling the American economy.

If, in short order, there were suddenly millions of young people carving up large inheritances that Bernie wanted to tax for his socialist ideas, these now-wealthy people would kick Bernie to the curb. I believe Donald sees this, and for the long-term economic stability of America, it’s better to sacrifice those who’ve already lived full lives and are now becoming drains on our economy. Personally, I tend to think it was Putin who shared this brilliant idea with Trump and how to be the leader for life or maybe guarantee his children a legacy of Trumpian leadership from now through 2050.

So, wake up, Boomers, you are about to be sacrificed on the pyre of progress so your assets can be liquidated and your home sold on the cheap. With the promise of a fat inheritance, your lazy offspring will head off for lavish vacations full of Instagram happiness, taking the entire global market to new heights. And what do we as a nation lose in this equation? Well, it’s not like the majority of Boomers are working now that they’ve reached retirement age.

The paradise of eliminating significant medicare costs, reducing social security obligations, and the rapid evolution of media that would no longer support Judge Judy, Fox News, big fat gas-guzzling cars, and climate deniers would have radical impacts on all facets of life.

COVID-19 is your panacea. As a matter of fact, I’m trademarking PANACEA-19™ right now.


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