Bitter Anger

Angry Old Men created by Bing

Recently, I’ve had a few encounters with people over 65 who can only be characterized as bitterly angry. Their certainty about an impending apocalypse has created a seething cauldron of despair they want others to know about and understand the danger because this is the moment in history when the wheels finally come off; we are all doomed. Their rationale is the talking points they’ve been spoon-fed; to disagree with them draws out their wrath that anyone should be so uninformed. Ignorance of doom is a red flag for them but also allows them to flaunt their disdain that one should be so belligerent about seeing the obvious truth of collapse all around them.

While I recognize that this wasn’t necessarily created by the Republican party, they did take advantage of a giant, malleable meatball of disenchanted, fundamentalist Christian, white, angry Americans walking in the crazy shoes of Charismatics. The Republicans soared and picked up the baton for this vast group of misfits when they and their media lackeys took on the role of fabulists to lure the simple-minded down a rat hole. Now, we have a riled-up base of the nearly insane that likely will not be pulled down from the rafters without someone giving up the strategy that was used to ensnare them, and that would reveal them to be tools for the propagation of a kind of zealotry that is nothing short of fundamentalism on the side of irrational extremism. Why would a political ruling class do something like this to its constituents? Because it’s lucrative and gives power to those who want to harness the energy of a loony machine.

The reverend Jim Jones and his People’s Temple in the jungle of Guyana immediately come to mind after listening to these cranks in public spaces defending their messiah and his party’s bizarre plan to accelerate his disciples onto the path of encountering heaven. Jim Jones was a master dog-whistle illusionist, painting images of impending doom that would befall the cowering, less-than-educated masses pummeled into fear. Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, Donald Trump, and the majority of Republicans appear to my simple mind to have taken a page from Jonestown to massage their followers into a state of panic similar to those who were coerced with fear and drugs into committing mass suicide, but ChatGPT brought me around to have to admit that the violence deployed in that jungle over 40 years ago is not a part of this modern equation. To quote:

It is also important to acknowledge that within any political party, there is a wide range of beliefs, opinions, and tactics. While it is possible to find similarities in some tactics used by various political groups and manipulative methods employed by cult leaders, it is crucial to distinguish between the extreme behavior exhibited by the Peoples Temple and the standard political strategies used by mainstream political parties.

Next, I asked it to define “dog whistle” as used in politics because I see some in politics and media using “extreme behaviors”:

In populist political culture, a “dog whistle” refers to a coded message or subtle communication strategy that conveys a specific meaning or sentiment to a targeted audience without explicitly stating it. The term is derived from the concept of a dog whistle, which emits a sound at a frequency that can be heard by dogs but not humans.

In politics, dog whistles are often used by politicians or political groups to appeal to certain demographics or supporters without alienating other potential voters. These messages may involve using certain words, phrases, or themes that resonate with a specific group but may not be apparent to the general public. Dog whistles can be used to convey controversial or divisive sentiments, such as racial, ethnic, or religious bias, while maintaining plausible deniability for the speaker.

Well then, I’m sticking to my potentially misguided thought that we are living through a moment of cultism being played on a massive scale where those with an inkling of hate of change or difference have been manipulated and taken to the brink of madness through dog whistles and extreme speech influencing people into irrational behaviors. As far as ChatGPT’s take on things, I tend to believe that it’s programmed not to take controversial positions, but the way I see it, there are those with public voices that are difficult for me to distinguish from someone like the reverend Jim Jones. Stay away from KookAid, you freaky right-wing extremists.

Self-Righteous Stupidity

John Wise of Phoenix, Arizona

I’m not supposed to be here sharing this mugshot of a grumpy old man; I’ve been taking a writing holiday. But if I don’t jump into splashing about and hammering on my keys in the deep end of the word pool, I’m going to drown. This break from blogging was supposed to allow me some respite from the constant nagging of saying something, but the circumstances of being out and about demand I write or lash out. Putting letters and words on the page about love and beauty would have been preferable, but that hopeful act is about to be crushed as I veer off into describing the abhorrent stupidity I’m all too frequently witnessing. I sit in public and become a reluctant listener to the asinine musings of undereducated idiots who regurgitate absurdities I feel like correcting, but their passion for vapidity will never be overcome. So I don my headphones and try to disappear into song, but every so often, something gets through, and I have to raise my eyes to be the universe’s witness to who just muttered such nonsense.

I could sit at home and isolate myself from the morass of devolving intellectual creep but I prefer turning to home in the evening to relieve myself of needing to be productive. While I’m out and about my goal is learning, be it by reading, writing, playing with music tools, photography, engaging conversation, or exploring something in nature. If I were to take to the seclusion of being safe from stupidity, other than my own, at home, I’d risk becoming a shut-in.

Certainly, I grant that it has never been uncommon to witness grotesque anti-intellectualism in all of its glorious stripes of banality, and I’ll also be the first to admit that this could well be a condition of my advancing age, but I feel that large and profound public displays of vast stupidity are becoming a mark of modernity. Maybe my sensitivity is being exacerbated by my growing awareness that the machine is quickly gaining on us humans and that; in short order, my phone will effectively be smarter than 95% of those I encounter in almost any given situation. Every day lately, I talk with ChatGPT and it’s a rare moment that I fail to be impressed with its abilities. All the while, it’s advancing by leaps and bounds even though that progress is not being made immediately available to the general public yet. So, this machine with which I converse evolves on an unseen forward trajectory while those before me are stumbling down the evolutionary ladder into dark ignorance.

To say I’m unhappy writing this is a gross understatement, but I don’t know what else to do with the seething that afflicts me when I cannot avert my senses from being abused by those who flaunt such aggressively dense ignorance. Maybe writing about it will act as a cathartic moment and exorcise these demons of the dull, but I know I’m not fooling anyone as tomorrow or ten minutes from now, the bombardment of excretory density will again fall upon my shoulders and into my senses. What’s left to do?

Leaving the moment is likely my only escape, but where can I be immune to the disease of self-righteous stupidity? The void might work, but my overall love of life lets me know that’s a bad idea. Even getting in the car is risky as it’s inevitable that someone will need to be in my space due to their impatience or incredible importance that requires them to arrive at a red light 12 feet ahead of me.

I can’t be angry about this movement towards such abysmal depths of anti-intellectualism as it’s a symptom of a frightened culture on the descent from its former heights where success bred dizziness and greed. Being humbled by the arrogance that catapulted America into a role it wasn’t prepared to carry seems the only likely outcome at this time, but I have to admit that I wasn’t really ready to see it splayed out so nakedly in my lifetime.

As I drive away from the coffee shop and get home, I realize that the thing that is different this year and maybe the past two weeks is we are not traveling as much as we did last year or even the year before, and so instead of being distracted by the writing chores of capturing our experiences, I’m spending more time in my environment where I’m intentionally not writing with the frequency I’m used to. After lunch, I think I’ll head out to take some photos of the desert bloom that’s occurring right now and see if I can’t shift my focus a small amount to help me avert my gaze from what I’d rather not see.

  • This is what I wrote just before my May Day missive that took my focus off this rant. 

Homeless / Heartless

Homeless person's sign

We have no national dialog about the responsibility of individuals to themselves aside from being economically self-sufficient. There are arbitrary rules and motifs that instill fear, anxiety, and anger, but ideas about societal direction emerging from the intellect are negated and ridiculed. I hate this subject because I feel that I’m trying to tell free people what is good for them and that my ideas have relevance – when I have no sense of certainty that anything I know has any meaning to others. I do believe I know that the bedrock of a culture is its relationship to the humanities, which act as a catapult for progress. In the United States, we have marginalized the liberal arts as some demonic, anti-American, woke agenda that steals our national identity and makes white men superfluous. Survivors’ guilt, imposter syndrome, and fear drive the petty hate machine disassembling the building blocks of what sustained this country, and we are now on a trajectory of capitulating to the worst part of our natures.

Of all the crap I write, this is the most difficult as I feel it is the most evident. How do those around me not recognize the grotesque facade of mediocrity we now wear? Of course, we are all aware that the American emperor is fully naked, but who wants to tell an angry man armed with all the guns that his insipid stance that he’s a god is not reality? Do I sound angry? I’m disappointed and probably angry too. I’ve always felt on the margin where hate is directed at those who dare question the soundness of a laissez-faire approach regarding the ability to project knowledge forward. We encourage wealth, strength, belligerence, winning, thuggery, and violence through our complicity to not have the ambition to better explore what we don’t know, namely ourselves.

Read the wrong post from me, and you might believe I’m an unhappy old man, but you’d be wrong, though there is certainly a streak of frustration in my conversation that hardly does me a favor. At the heart of this is my peculiar, probably unreasonable, desire that others be guided into finding a path to their own happiness within the parameters they are capable of. The bulwark that is modern American life that deludes and tricks people into ideas of grandeur, though, is a greater force than I might ever muster in my musings that go unread by all but my wife.

For example, between yesterday and today, it was announced that Bed Bath & Beyond will close 400 of their 691 stores, but on the bright side, stores such as Dollar General, Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, and Five Below are expanding like mad. Take Dollar General who last year opened 1,039 new locations and is on track to open 1,050 this year using a $2 billion investment because poverty shopping in America is growing. Remember the days when Walmart was America’s low-cost shopping destination? Well, they appear to be the new Macy’s or Nordstroms, while the coterie of dollar discounters become go-to shops for those on the margin. And don’t tell me that people just want to save money: they don’t have the money to save; they are trying to survive.

Another can of worms opened as I was relating some of what I’m writing to a friend; I started looking up how many Dollar General (19,022), Dollar Tree (16,000), Family Dollar (8,267), Goodwill (8,000), and Five Below stores (1,367) there are in the United States, and I came up with more than 52,000 stores catering specifically to the poor. Compare this to only 13,272 McDonald’s distributed across the country, the comparatively tiny number of 4,648 Walmarts, or the 514 branches of Whole Foods. Poverty is big business in the United States, and while people make fun of “Whole Paycheck,” relatively few people can ever afford to shop there compared to where a much larger number of people spend the little they have.

Meanwhile, Phoenix has a homeless camp in its downtown area in which, according to the New York Times, as many as 1,100 people live, while AZFamily believes there are close to “7,500 individuals experiencing homelessness” in Maricopa County. One out of every 100 Americans uses meth, about 3 out of 100 misuse opioids, and 380 people die daily from alcohol-related issues. Continuing on this grim march, every day, 192 people die from drug overdoses, 125 people decide to take their own lives, and there are nearly 3 million Americans in jail or prison. Does this sound like a country that is healthy? Oh, and don’t forget that there are between 600,000 and 1.5 million homeless people spread across our great land. We are talking about nearly 1 in 10 Americans whose life is a tragic mess that they struggle to survive.

These are symptoms of a system that is breaking down NOT only due to a failing government, corporate tyranny, or some secret cabal it is each and every American who has no connection to the ideas of what helps form a functional society where the quality of life is improving for most everyone. It is education, and I do not want to imply that our teachers are the ones failing us; it is the individuals who do not take pride or have any effective measure if they are truly smart or profoundly stupid, as this is not something we as a society really want to understand. We are a country based on the idea that I have the freedom to be as stupid or smart as I choose to be, and who are you to judge me?

TV Costs What?


Don’t watch TV for over 30 years and then have your eye catch an ad you didn’t want to see, but there it was. DirecTV embedded itself in part of my scroll through Reddit this morning, and while I’ll move to block the advertiser after seeing an ad too many times or one that is garish, the DirecTV ad I had not seen much up to this point and it isn’t distracting due to grotesque aesthetic, yet. So I paused and looked at what they were trying to convey, which triggered a bit of shock.

The advert was luring me with a 2-year special price lock-in for only $64.99 monthly, plus some fine print. My calculating brain was aghast at what it figured out quickly, but I had to know more. I see that the price does not include taxes and fees. The receiver will cost an additional $15 a month, and tax will add at least $6.40 per month, bringing the monthly cost to only $86, but wait, there’s more. This turns out to be over $1000 a year, and I’m certain that this price doesn’t include ad blocking. Then there are pay-per-view movies, regional sports fees, and premium/foreign content channels if you happen to indulge in those. And then you have to figure in AppleTV, Hulu, or Netflix with their fees should the consumer be so inclined.

As I write this stuff, I start thinking that this is not the first time I’ve lamented the cost of entertainment in the home, but maybe the part that really grinds up against my sense of value is that even after paying these exorbitant costs of membership, the consumer is still burdened with having to watch countless insipid ads that I want to believe harms the mental health of viewers.

Throw in a TV or two over the course of 10 years, and this means that Americans are paying roughly $12,000 per decade to be bombarded with stupidity while they allow the entertainment industry to whittle away at their free time under the pretense of alleviating boredom and loneliness and all of a sudden this feels like an aggressive act of emotional/intellectual robbery against the vulnerable general public or maybe it’s something akin to connecting a toxic sewage pipe to their minds which robs these people of dreams and intelligence.

By the way, if I have written more or less the same thing or the theme is worn, just try to think of this post as a rerun.

Are You Serious?

Stupid Billboard in Phoenix, Arizona

I suppose when you know that an advertisement found on a billboard is meant to attract idiots, you might as well go low and pander to the lowest common denominator of stupid. This billboard down the street from us required an extra stop to capture just how dumb the public obviously is because who goes to Newport Beach, California, and gets on a boat to watch football?

I go to the ocean to be at the sea; we do not spend that kind of money to go watch TV; then again, we are the odd ones out, and we know it. Also odd, the model on the right was waving to someone in the original photo; you can see the incredibly poor Photoshopping of her arm, plus she’s looking to the right. [She also has kid’s legs but seems otherwise to be of comparable size to everyone else – Caroline] The guy in front of her is looking straight ahead, not at the TV, and the woman in front of him is looking left of the TV. I don’t believe any of the food was in the original image because who has a bowl of salad with three rolls on top of it placed in a position where tan sweater-man’s arm, should he let it down, would be resting in that salad? The TV is not casting a shadow from the sun that’s out in front of everyone; at least there are shadows from the models. What a crap composite, but I suppose driving by, nobody will concern themselves with those details. Heck, I didn’t see all that until I took the photo.

Hey marketing dolts, here’s an idea for you: advertise vacations in Hawaii featuring people acting like moles burrowing into the earth. This is free for whoever wants to take inspiration from my great idea; I claim no copyright to the brilliant concept.

There is No Left

Black Bloc from Wikipedia

There is no left, leftism, or radical left. The Zapatistas, Occupy Wall Street, and WTO protestors are all dead movements. The socialism scare is the orchestrated fear-mongering of a genius campaign to shift the world to the right. Wanna-be dictators might spew rhetoric about Deep State cabals, but the truly nefarious nature of our reality leaning into the far-right hate politics of the 21st century is happening right before our faces. The corporate, big money-backed television, radio, and social media personalities who extol a vitriolic diet of inflaming and bating angry, disenfranchised people afraid of the accelerated changes that have arrived with new communication media are happening right in front of our faces.

I am the left, some guy who wants to go with the flow as I adapt to the evolving circumstances of time going forward. I’m not afraid of young people, people of color, those who are exploring gender fluidity, or a land and culture that is transitioning into tomorrow. I am afraid of conformity, gross stupidity, those who don’t read, anger aimed at nebulous, non-existent boogymen who are creations of political jingoists, and those who feel an entitlement to anything at all.

The left is something America is so afraid of; there’s no chance of allowing anything other than a tiny fringe minority of leftists to even exist in this country. Not that they would be actively sought out and eliminated, but their fingerprints and traces are so easily monitored that their presence is always known and their influence mapped. Just how many people do you know who’ve read left-leaning anything? Aside from Marx and Engels, I’ll wager I could ask the next 1000 people I meet to name one left-leaning author, just one.

Tell me the title of one book from Michael Foucault, Alain Badiou, Edward Said, or Mark Fisher. How about the notorious Howard Zinn? Maybe you could tell me just a little something regarding anything they’ve written about? Didn’t Baudrillard, Deleuze, Derrida, and maybe even Nietzsche, for that matter, go on about socialist ideology? You wouldn’t know because leftist anything is a chimera dressed in the black clothes of someone protesting anti-fascism called Antifa.

There are no less than 11 million Americans who identify with Alt-Right ideologies, and right-wing hate groups have murdered nearly 400 people in 25 years; how many Antifa are there, and how many Americans have they killed?

If you believe there’s a woke ultra-left thing happening in America, it’s because you are afraid of things you’ve been taught to fear, such as being woke (alert to injustice in society, especially racism) or Critical Race Theory (“The Frankfurt School was a group of scholars known for developing critical theory and popularizing the dialectical method of learning by interrogating society’s contradictions.” – Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.) I’m referencing critical theory here as, in my view, thinkers about racism have used this method to look at racism and inequality with the idea of learning more about society and improving our lives, but for the far-right, any look and criticism that might lead to cultural change are forbidden, so being “woke” or teaching “CRT” and the idea that addressing anything that deals with the white/black divide, gay/straight chasm, gender identity, or injuries that arise from various types of violence, any conversations that might be critical of the status quo puts at risk what it means to be American.

Don’t worry, people of the United States, all the important leftists in America that you’ve never heard of because there are no living, famous, important leftists here, would all fit on one Space-X rocket and could easily be blasted into orbit. The thing is, whoever might be on that very, very short list just wants everyone to get along and let others find a solid path to a fulfilling life.

The funny thing about the system moving even a hair to the left to what, in reality, is at best the center, one must first admit to being a fully-fledged socialist as though being thus credentialed is essential to claiming to be a lefty.

Being on the left, the real left is certainly an incredibly dangerous place to see a population heading to as it would imply a move towards freedom as defined by the individual and not by a state that tells its subjects which laws will work against them in order to contain them from thinking or acting on their own behalf.

So why is there even a left and a right? Because in the effort to maintain a state of dependence predicated on mass stupidity, reducing all things to either/or, with us/against us, winner/loser, gay/straight, and left/right, we are able to draw up quick sides of isolation, marginalization, and polarization. Nuances cannot be a part of the program as that injects too many options and demands self-responsibility, and that requires an education that eclipses everything we’ve done to diminish the importance of learning. We may pay cursory lip service to “learning,” but knowledge and wisdom are not areas we are striving to reach.

Image: Black bloc. (2022, September 12). In Wikipedia.

The Trash of Nostalgia

Pieter Bruegel the Elder - The Ass in the School

Pioneers, inventors, wanderers, and people steeped in hard work helped define a nation in a previous age. Nowaday,s this has been supplanted by superficial caricatures of clowns that are themselves creations of illusions. While people are relics with little utility to a society that is possessed by fragmentary citizens honed from the trash of nostalgia and trivia.

Do not conflate nostalgia and trivia with real knowledge, as a grab bag of nonsense regarding sports, celebrities, viral videos, and video games hardly replaces literature, philosophy, science, and theology. Fashion belies the idea that someone’s external expression is somehow relevant to the advancement of our species. Yet, due to our utter lack of direction as people of the United States, we now rely on the appearance of things to wholly define one’s place in the natural order.

It is as though we’ve reversed our trajectory into the future, regressing to the age where one’s display of face paint, seashells, necklace of trophies, or types of animal skins worn proffer an adequate positioning of our standing in the social hierarchy.

Fractured media sources play into this by delivering fragments of nonsense construed as specific cultural knowledge but presenting us with superfluous trash masquerading as contemporary relevance. Do we as a society want more than that? The answer I see writ large on the foreheads of those I encounter is a resounding NO. We are seemingly happy to be lost in our trivialized compendium of all things golf, Pokemon, celebrity du jour, fad exercise, or scandal rocking the tabloids that we find trending on social or mass media.

The cliché that we are becoming a nation of idiots is played for laughs but actually applies to the vast majority – which do not realize this includes them. In my estimation (or arrogance), I believe this concerns almost 95% of those I am likely to encounter on any given day, week, or month. I move from poor to wealthy environments and rarely am able to claim to be witness to intellectual activity. Sure, I listen in on savvy investors making money, real estate deals, and people plotting their next vacation or sending their children off to university, but the underlying mindset is tone-deaf to matters of societal cohesion beyond obtuse biases that often fuel hate.

Without a working broad spectrum of knowledge and little logic backed by critical thinking, my fellow citizens wreak of posturing imbeciles while whatever hope I’ve had of finding inspiration and mentorship from those around me has faded like the sun over Seattle in January. How does one find community in a society of idiots when the ambitions of the individual are met with indifference to big-picture issues and sharing well-reasoned wisdom doesn’t exist? Instead of being embraced in the community, we are labeled nerds and geeks to be relegated to the margin as difficult while being perceived as awkward and or anti-social.

Somewhere along the road of advancement in the United States, knowledge became a weapon characterized by showing off and appearing arrogant. The economic reality of capitalism requires rewarding of smart, but it should happen off-camera on the margin and in the shadows. Should great success come your way, the scrutiny of who you are and the hope for your demise will run rife in our population of misfits who thrive on seeing others ultimately suffer worse fates than they perceive themselves to be suffering.

Somewhere in the back of my head, maybe in the front, sit Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, Nietzsche, Baudrillard, Baudelaire, Bukowski, Burroughs, Dickens, Ram Dass, Russell, Dawkins, Deutsch, E.O. Wilson, Fortey, Foucault, Reich, Canetti, Marcuse, and Bataille. They inform my search for a voice.

500,000 years ago, we started making stone tools; 30,000 years ago, we learned to work with clay; 12,000 years ago, we learned how to farm; 10,0000 years ago, we learned to work with copper; and 6,000 years ago, we learned how to work with bronze. Today, we are reduced to social media and empty posturing so that a new religion called consumption and conspicuous display can rule over us. The digital tools we are using are the new religious icons that adorn our minds, occupying them with thoughts of our electronic Jesus, Buddha, etc.